
How to make a simple B2B marketing strategy for your company WeChat


For a B2B company, WeChat should be a channel for promoting their business and engaging with their clients or prospects. Before you promote your business using WeChat, you should have a WeChat marketing strategy as a roadmap.



区块链技术和加密货币在最近几年特别的火,应用的行业也越来越广, 区块链技术已从最早的金融行业应用延伸到其它的行业,加密货币也从比特币延伸到其它不同的加密货币,在创业圈里也因区块链技术和加密货币的普及发展出新的融资方式。

How to use WeChat CRM to grow B2B sales in China


WeChat is the most popular mobile app in China. Unlike any other IM app, WeChat is an app which can do a lot of things. If you want to communicate with your clients in China, the best communication tool is WeChat.

How to promote your B2B website in China


The Internet world in China is different from the rest of the world. When a B2B company wants to promote its business in China, they need to choose the right channels.

How to build a B2B website marketing funnel


We mentioned that a website is not only for display but also for selling on the previous article. For a B2B company website, the goal of selling on a website is to get sales leads. With this goal in mind, when we plan the website structure, we should implement a marketing funnel on the whole website structure.